- 3 – 4 cups almond pulp (or store-bought almond meal)
- 1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut (plus more for sprinkling)
- 1 handful pitted dates
- 3 frozen bananas
- 2 cans of coconut milk
- 1 1/4 cup dark chocolate for melting
- 1 tsp pumpkin spice
- wax paper
Combine almond pulp, pitted dates, shredded coconut, bananas, pumpkin spice and coconut milk in a blender. Blend until well combined. The consistency should be very sticky, and thick. Sometimes I have to get the food processor out, or the electric hand mixer. You can also use your hands if you find nothing else works. We want the paste to be thick in order for it not to run when we place it in the freezer later on. Once you have achieved your desired consistency, pour everything into a wax paper lined lasagna glass dish. Place in freezer while you wait for your chocolate to melt in a small sauce pan on low heat. Don’t forget about the chocolate now!! It needs your undivided attention. Stir frequently. Once it’s completely melted, you will pour the (still hot) chocolate over your raw vegan ice cream sandwich filling that has been patiently waiting in the freezing cold. Sprinkle with more shredded coconut. Place back in the freezer for a couple of hours or until hard. Cut into desired sized pieces, and enjoy as a healthy night cap dessert!
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